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Event Network used for
PopUp WiFi Solution
Event Overview
Aimee Batuski & Ellie Montgomerie are Pleasure & Intimacy Experts, committed to women living turned-on, connected and satisfying lives. These women are the millennial authorities in the global movement of the new feminine.
Their company, Desire on Fire, is teaching, training & inspiring a new generation of women to become powerful agents of change, who allow their desires and pleasure to lead the way as they step into a whole new world of freedom, manifestation and ease. Everyone is raving about their retreats and programs and they’ve taught thousands of women how to create wild, confident intimacy, hot sex and fulfilling relationships.
Event producer Angela Cring brought PopUp WiFi in to ensure complete connectivity for their multi-cam HD live stream and trade show vendors.
Producer’s Comments
PopUp WiFi provided internet for our hybrid event to help us reach out virtual audiences across the county. The customer support the first day was imperative to our success to getting it set up and working at the best capacity. We would certainly use them again. It also helped us avoid the high internet fees the hotels are instituting to their events.
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