Submitted by

San Francisco Orchid Society


Pacific Orchids Exposition 2024


Golden Gate Park, San Francisco


16 July, 2024


Case Study #70

Event Network used for

General Guest Access, Point of Sale, Live Streaming (Upload), Uploading / Editing Media, Back of House

PopUp WiFi Solution

Slipstream + 2 x Lite

Event Overview

“Orchids in the Park 2024 was another huge success!! The main Show & Sale, with the theme “Or took place at the San Francisco County Fair Building in Golden Gate Park from 7/27-7/28. We always bring PopUp WiFi in to connect our events because our vendors rely on being able to use Square payments and our volunteers us the internet for back-of-house production. The internet in our historic building is notoriously spotty and we can’t afford to have dropouts during the busy periods.

In addition to the sale, we showcased orchids from San Francisco Orchid Society (SFOS) members and local and visiting vendors. The Orchids in the Park sale is one of 2 fundraising events of the year and proceeds from the help support our operation as a non-profit organization. For over 70 years the SFOS mission has been to foster the culture and conservation of orchids and to promote education of its members and the public about orchids. Our goals include: an exchange of information from exhibitions, publications, and the maintenance of a reference library, and participation in worldwide activities.

THANK YOU to PopUp WiFi for supporting 70th year event together as we would not have had a successful POE without them.”

Producer’s Comments

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