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Event Network used for
PopUp WiFi Solution
Event Overview
Queensland Government pulled off an absolutely stunning event earlier this month, setting up their production equipment on remote Kangaroo Beach in Cape Hillsborough between two tidal movements. The unique, music, food and art event showcased local Indigenous artist @busbymarou and treated guests to a moving Welcome to Country at sunset. With only one cell tower in the area, internet connection was sketchy so Event Manager Jodie Kennedy reached out to PopUp WiFi to secure an alternative internet source to connect vendor POS devices and so that media could work on site to instantly upload content.
Producer’s Comments
“The challenge of setting up an event on and off the beach literally Between the Tides made us all very nervous because running an event without solid internet service is tough. PopUp WiFi’s rented solution makes all the difference at a remote event, especially when there’s too many people trying to access a single cell tower. Everyone who needed to connect could connect. We can’t do what we do without suppliers like PopUp WiFi.”
John Kelly, Australian Government, Queensland
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